
What will our pupils experience throughout their careers curriculum at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School?

  • Access to careers learning from Year 7 onwards – learning that is linked through their curriculum provision and also explicitly delivered sessions
  • A careers curriculum that has contributions and feedback from them, their families, school staff and external employers
  • Engagement with many different employers throughout Years 7 to Year 13 in a variety of formats such as assemblies, visits and career events
  • Unbiased career advice and support from an independent careers advisor
  • Working with them and their families as they prepare for their future and for life after Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School to consider work as a life goal
  • Staff who are committed to and passionate about helping them develop as they make key decisions and prepare for their future pathways

Why do we want this?

  • We want our pupils to know their skills and strengths; know what they are good at and what they find hard
  • We want our pupils to work towards independent living and working
  • We want them to have hope and optimism, adaptability and resilience
  • We want our pupils to have access to, and engagement in, decent work in all its forms (personal, voluntary and paid)
  • We want our pupils to learn and make progress so they can thrive and experience success in their future pathways
  • We want our pupils to pursue and value their own wellbeing and happiness


  • Pupils will have access to a careers curriculum from Year 7 onward and this will be routinely monitored and evaluated to ensure it is fit for purpose.
  • Experiences of different workplaces and environments
  • Meaningful encounters with the world of work
  • Careers fairs
  • Embedding the world of work within the curriculum


  • Pupils will have a successful transition from Year 11 into Post 16 and beyond school
  • Pupils will have had experience with a wide range of opportunities, interests, and options so they are best placed to make informed decisions about their future choices
  • Pupils will develop the skills needed for them to be employable, whether that is voluntarily or paid
  • Pupils will know the value of having work and commitments in their lives
  • Pupils will know that they have a valued and important part to play in the world in which they live and they can and are motivated to contribute to society in a way which best suits their interests and skills
  • Pupils will know about and make use of the range of support and advice that is available to them in order to support their choices and decision-making as they progress on from Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School

All pupils in years 7-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies, group discussions and taster events;
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

All pupils at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School take part in a careers programme that:

  1. Is stable and appropriate for all students
  2. Offers encounters with employers, employees, further and higher education institutions
  3. Supports students to develop the skills that are required to be successful in their future pathway
Careers PHRSE Programme

The Careers PHRSE programme is delivered during form time and fully covers the Gatsby benchmarks and CDI framework. The content covered is displayed below: 

Year What will they cover? Gatsby benchmark CDI framework
7 Different careers 2, 3, 6 Grow, Explore, See
7 Dream job 2, 3 Explore
7 Skills 3 Grow, Explore
7 Your future 3 Explore
8 Communication 2, 3, 8 Grow, Explore
8 Jobs and careers 2, 4 Explore
8 Personal skills 3 Grow, Explore
8 The working world 2 Explore
9 Confidence and different industries 2 Explore, Manage
9 Critical thinking 3, 8 Grow, Explore
9 Self SWOT and Options Booklet 2, 3, 4, 8 Manage
9 Skills, academic and vocational pathways 2, 3, 7 Explore
10 Apprenticeships 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 Create, Manage
10 Cover letter 2, 3, 6 Explore, Manage
10 CV 2, 3, 6 Explore, Manage
10 Work experience 2, 3, 6, 8 Grow, Explore
11 Digital footprints 3 Grow, Explore
11 Evidencing skills in employability 2 Explore, See
11 Stereotypes in careers 3 Balance
11 Your next move and teamwork 7, 8 Manage
12 CV and interview 2, 3, 6 Explore, Manage
12 University and apprenticeships 2, 4, 7, 8 Manage
13 Careers and interviews 2, 3, 6 Grow, Explore, See
13 Continuous improvement 2, 3 Explore
Careers guidance interview

A Careers guidance interview is an impartial meeting between a student and an independent professionally qualified careers advisor. These can last up to 50 minutes, and are either held in a small group of students or individually to discuss with students their future career aspirations and interests in order to help prepare them and plan for  their next steps. We aim that students will have received at least one career interview by the end of Year 11 and one by the end of Year 13.

Careers Fair/ Provider Access 

Every year we organise a Careers Fair where we invite employers, universities and colleges to come in and speak to students and parents. This will give students a vital networking opportunity with these contacts. Please check the calender for the latest information. 

Employers/ further or higher education establishments – please note that if you would like to get involved with the Careers programme here at SHOM, either to attend one of our Career fairs or events, or to come into school to speak to our students about your company/establishment and what opportunities you may have to offer our students then please email our Careers Leader Mr A Sterling 

Labour Market Information

Students and parents/guardians can also use Start to access local LMI (Labour Market Information) on the below link 

Careers Google Classroom 

Class Code: zaybsw6

Any student can join the above Careers Google Classroom. They can then view and apply for a range of work experience opportunities. We also include a wide range of online learning that can help broaden a students’ knowledge and give them the edge in future applications for work or university. 

Careers Team

Mr. S Hartley – Governor (Careers)

Mr. Bright – SLT 

Mr. A Sterling – Head of Business and Careers Coordinator

Mrs. Dacosta – Careers Advisor 

Mrs. Leech – Careers Administrator