
Teaching Staff and Responsibilities

Mrs P Treacy: Subject Leader in RE and Chaplain Lead
Maternity Leave Cover: Ms C Lawes  (for Ms P O’Dwyer: RE & Head of Year)
Mr R Kephalas: Teacher of RE

“Religious education is never simply one subject among many, but the foundation of the entire educational process. The beliefs and values studied in Catholic religious education inspire and draw together every aspect of the life of a Catholic school.”


KS3 (Years 7-9)

How do we organise teaching groups at KS3?

Pupils are taught in mixed-ability form groups.

What are our aims at KS3?

  • To present engagingly a comprehensive content which is the basis of knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith;
  • To enable pupils continually to deepen their religious and theological understanding and be able to communicate this effectively;
  • To present an authentic vision of the Catholic Church’s moral and social teaching so that pupils can make a critique of the underlying trends in contemporary culture and society;
  • To raise pupils’ awareness of the faith and traditions of other religious communities in order to respect and understand them;
  • To develop the critical faculties of pupils so that they can relate their Catholic faith to daily life;
  • To stimulate pupils’ imagination and provoke a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the truth of the Catholic faith;
  • To enable pupils to relate the knowledge gained through Religious Education to their understanding of other subjects in the curriculum;
  • To maintain and/or stimulate pupil curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Religious Education.
  • To enable pupils to be familiar with the body of religious knowledge, principles, skills and vocabulary.
  • To bring clarity to the relationship between faith and life, and between faith and culture.
  • The outcome of excellent Religious Education at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ school ‘is religiously literate and engaged young people who have the knowledge, understanding and skills – appropriate to their age and capacity – to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life’ (Religious Education Directory p6).

How does this subject develop over KS3?

Religious Education is the “core of the core curriculum” Saint Pope St John Paul II

Religious Education at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School is at the heart of our school curriculum and plays a central role in holistically educating each pupil to discern the meaning of their existence. The Religious Education Curriculum Directory states that “without religious education, students would be deprived of an essential element of their formation and personal development, which helps them attain a vital harmony between faith and culture.”

At Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School our curriculum intent is to enable every pupil to achieve their full potential by being inspired  by our school motto and the words of Jesus  “I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10.

Placing RE at the core of the curriculum helps our school to fulfil its mission to educate the whole person in discerning the meaning of their existence. Pupils build upon the skills they have developed and prepare for the transition to studying for GCSE Religious Studies. Learning about religion includes enquiry into, and investigation of, the nature of religion, its beliefs, teachings and ways of life, sources, practices and forms of expression. It includes the skills of interpretation, analysis and explanation. Learning from religion is concerned with developing pupils’ reflection on and response to their own and others’ experiences in the light of their learning about religion.  Pupils develop the skills of application, interpretation and evaluation of what they learn about religion.

Pupils develop in their knowledge and understanding of the subject and are able to complete extended pieces of writing; analyse text; use and apply different vocabulary related to religion and develop the aptitude to work independently.  We enable students to be self-assured, confident learners, who are both resilient to failure and enjoy the challenge of learning.

What will my daughter learn at KS3?

The Religious Education Department always aims to educate the whole person religiously, academically and spiritually.  At Key Stage Three pupils follow a programme that enriches their understanding of Catholicism. The Department uses the newly published  Text books – Source To Summit in Year 7 and Year 8 which has been endorsed by the Catholic service and written by a team of experienced teachers to fully match the new Religious Education Directory (RED).  The Department teaches currently The Life series in Year 9 and will follow in 2025 the new RED curriculum by using the Source to Summit text books when published.

 These books are used in conjunction with a variety of other teaching materials, such as power point presentations, visual and audio materials. Pupils complete class work that develops a range of skills such as analysis, empathy, evaluation and application of different Christian teachings and viewpoints.

Year 7

Religious Education Directory (RED).

The new Religious Education Directory titled To Know You More Clearly replaces previous editions published in 1996 and 2012, and published by the CES. The directory sets out the purpose of RE and features a programme of study with a model curriculum for year 7 to year 9.

Based on the constitutions of the Second Vatican Council and rooted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the objective of the curriculum is religiously literate and engaged young people, with the knowledge, understanding and skills to reflect spiritually, think ethically and theologically, and recognise the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.

At Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School The Religious Education Department always aims to educate the whole person religiously, academically and spiritually. 

At Key Stage Three pupils follow a programme that enriches their understanding of Catholicism. In Year 7 we use a brand new resource called Source to Summit which has been endorsed by the Catholic Education Service for the new Religious Education Directory. The course seeks to be authentic to the Catholic faith, rigorous and engaging, allowing students of all backgrounds to be fully immersed in the curriculum in an inclusive way. Mirroring the RED, a strong narrative runs through the course, telling the Christian story from Creation to the Church of today. Our schemes of work are carefully planned to ensure full compliance with RED . see link to RED 

To know You more clearly

Year 7 

  •  Creation and Covenant: Genesis – Different interpretations of the story of creation
  • Prophecy and Promise: How to use the Bible?
  • From Galilee to Jerusalem:  Titles of Jesus Christ ?
  • From Desert to Garden: What is our understanding of the Eucharist?
  • To the Ends of the Earth: what is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church?
  • Dialogue and Encounter – Hinduism

Year 8

  • Creation and Covenant: What is the human  story in Genesis and our relationship ?
  • Prophecy and Promise: Who are the Prophets in the Bible ?
  • From Galilee to Jerusalem: What can we learn from Jesus’  mission and ministry  ?
  • From Desert to Garden: What is the Christian understanding of the suffering servant ?
  • To the Ends of the Earth: What is Eschatology ?
  • Dialogue and Encounter – Islam and Buddhism 

Year 9  

Topics studied

Spiritual Quest and understanding the problem of evil and suffering

The Gospels and their formation and message

Life in the Spirit and understanding the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation

God’s Call and understanding the importance of vocation in life

Morality and Conscience and what we mean by ethical decision making

Dialogue and Encounter – The study of Judaism 

Overview: This programme of study is produced by The Teacher’s Enterprise in Religious Education and endorsed by Cardinal Vincent Nicholls.

RSE lessons as part of the PHRSE programme also go hand in hand with theri learning in RE.

Are there any websites that will support my daughter’s learning?

“If something is true, it is good and beautiful; if it is beautiful; it is good and true; if it is good, it is true and it is beautiful. And together, these elements enable us to grow and help us to love life, even when we are not well, even in the midst of many problems. True education enables us to love life and opens us to the fullness of life.”

Pope Francis 

KS4/GCSE (Years 10-11)

How do we organise teaching groups at KS4?

In years 10 and 11, pupils are timetabled against English.  They are taught in groups of two bands arranged according to ability. The same curriculum is delivered to each group at a level appropriate to their ability and all pupils are entered for the same examinations.

Which GCSE specification do we prepare pupils for?

Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A (2016)

The Pearson qualifications have been approved for GCSE in the Diocese of Brentwood.  In Brentwood diocese, the diocesan bishop has responded to the recommendation of the Bishops’ Conference and instructed schools to teach GCSE specifications which include content constituting 50% Catholic Christianity and 25% Judaism. The remaining 25% taught can be either a Textual Study or the study of Philosophy and Ethics.

This specification aims to:

To develop their knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings, and sources of wisdom and authority.

To develop their ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject.

To engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth, and their influence on human life

To reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in the light of what they have learnt and will contribute to their preparation for adult life in a pluralistic society and global community.

More information about this specification can be found here:


What will my daughter learn at KS4?

All pupils complete the GCSE Religious Studies Edexcel Specification A. This consists of three areas of study each with sub topics to learn. All topics are examined at GCSE level. Students have three GCSE examination papers at the end of year 11 in each of the above areas. Catholic Christianity (1 hour and 45 minutes), Judaism (50 minutes), Philosophy and Ethics (50 minutes) there is no coursework or controlled assessments.

Catholic Christianity (Worth 50%)

  • Beliefs and Teachings of the Catholic Faith
  • Catholic Practices of Faith
  • Sources of Wisdom and Authority in the Catholic Faith
  • Forms of Expression and Ways of Life in the Catholic Faith

Judaism (Worth 25%)

  • Beliefs and Teachings of Judaism Religion
  • Practices of rituals in the Jewish Faith

Philosophy and Ethics (Worth 25%)

  • Arguments for the Existence of God and the study of Thomas Aquinas
  • Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st Century

RSE lessons as part of the PHRSE programme also go hand in hand with their learning in RE.

Are there any websites that will support my daughter’s learning?

We advise pupils to use Kerboodle (https://www.kerboodle.com/users/login )

In addition to Department revision guides, the following revision guides can be purchased

GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel A: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism Student Book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Revision-Notes-Edexcel-Religious-Studies/dp/1510404805

My Revision Notes Edexcel Religious Studies for GCSE (9-1): Catholic Christianity (Specification A): Faith and Practice in the 21st Century (Edexcel Gcse My Revision Notes)


KS5/A Level (Y12-13)

How do we organise teaching groups at KS5?

At KS5, classes are taught in option groups which are all mixed ability.

Which A Level specification do we prepare pupils for?

Pearson Edexcel A Level Religious Studies.  More information about the specification can be found by following the link below:


What will my daughter learn at KS5?


  • Philosophical issues and questions:
  • The nature and influence of religious experience
  • Problems of evil and suffering
  • Philosophical language
  • Works of scholars
  • Influences of developments in religious belief


  • Significant concepts in issues or debates in religion and ethics:
  • A study of three ethical theories
  • Application of ethical theories to issues of importance
  • Ethical language
  • Deontology
  • Virtue Ethics
  • Works of scholars
  • Medical ethics: beginning and end of life issues.

New Testament

  • Social, historical and religious context of the New Testament
  • Texts and interpretation of the Person of Jesus
  • Interpreting the text and issues of relationship, purpose and authorship
  • Ways of interpreting the scripture
  • Texts and interpretation
  • The Kingdom of God, conflict, the death and resurrection of Jesus
  • Scientific and historical-critical challenges, ethical living and the works of scholars.

Core RE  at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School 

Religious Education is integral to the personal and spiritual development of our pupils and a compulsory element of our Sixth Form Education at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School.  The RE Department cover a variety of topics underpinned by Catholic Social Teaching such as ethical issues regarding abortion and euthanasia, human trafficking, racism and prejudice, Artificial Intelligence, arguments for the existence of God and animals rights to name but a few.

The outcome of this excellent programme is religiously literate and engaged pupils who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to reflect spiritually, and think ethically and theologically, and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life. Empowering them to become more aware to address and challenge injustices and make a positive contributions to the wider society.  Attendance of General Religious Education is compulsory for all students in the Sixth Form and will be monitored in the same ways as other lessons.

Pupils also have a lesson each week of PHRSE – the RSE aspect working hand in hand with Core RE.

Are there any websites that will support my daughter’s learning?



Useful Textbooks For A Level RS

Future pathways/careers

Pupils can progress from this qualification to:

A range of different, relevant academic and higher education qualifications, employment in a relevant sector or further training.