Name of subject

MFL French and Italian

List of teaching staff and responsibilities with contact email addresses Miss F. Sutcliffe (MFL Subject Leader)

Mrs L. Saunders (Assistant Subject Leader MFL, i/c French)

Mrs K. Harrington (French teacher, part-time)

Mr E. Protano (Italian Consulate teacher)

MS P Smith (French and Italian teacher)

Miss V. Serra (Italian Consulate teacher)

Resources available in dept MFL lessons are usually taught in a suite of 4 classrooms – E3 to E6. All our classrooms are fitted with an integral sound system, interactive white boards and conventional white boards with full internet access.
Ethos of the department A welcoming, friendly department which strongly believes that learning a foreign language provides an opening to other cultures as well as fostering pupils’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of the world. 


  • Statement of aims
MFL teaching focuses on developing the depth of pupils’ competence in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation based on the sound foundation of core grammar and vocabulary. In Italian, pupils follow the Tutti Insieme course in Years 7 and 8.  In French, pupils follow the Dynamo course in Years 7 and 8. 
  • Statement of progress
Pupils move from understanding and producing single words and sentences to extended writing, such as paragraphs.
  • Curriculum overview – for each academic year the content for each subject
Year 7 Italian: Introduce yourself, family, school, free time activities

Year 8 Italian: Hobbies, where you live, holidays, food, sport & leisure

Year 9 Italian: Personal Identity, Free Time, Social Media, Festivals, School

Year 7 French: Introduce yourself, family, school, classroom objects, routine

Year 8 French: Hobbies, where you live, physical description, pets, food and drink

Year 9 French: My world, family and relationships, leisure activities, festivals, celebrations and shopping. 

  • Progression table 
Public Shared Area – MFL – Life After Levels 
  • How classes/groups are organised
Each year group is divided into six teaching groups (L/R and T/W) with classes ranging from 12 – 24 students. All the groups are set according to ability usually from Year 8. Year 9 is divided into six teaching groups (L/R and T/W) with classes ranging from 12 – 24 students.
  • Links to relevant websites


  • Core aim of qualification (taken from the spec if possible)
At GCSE, pupils develop: an understanding of Italian and French in a variety of contexts, an increased knowledge of vocabulary and structures, transferable language learning skills, the ability to communicate effectively in the target language and cultural awareness of France and Italy.
  • Exam board and weblink to exam board
French: Pearson (Edexcel)

Italian: AQA

  • Curriculum overview – for each academic year the content for each subject
Year 10 Italian – Identity and Culture, Home and Local area, Travel, School, The Importance of Languages, Work and Future Plans

Year 11 Italian – Environment, Global events, homelessness and marriage  and  Revision of all topics

Year 10 French- Home and Local area, Holidays and school, Identity and Culture

Y11 French- The Importance of Languages, Work and Future Plans, Environment, Global events, Revision of all topics

  • How classes/groups are organised
These are set according to ability in Years 10 and 11.
  • Links to relevant websites


  • Core aim of qualification (taken from the spec if possible)
The MFL A level provides a logical and realistic progression from GCSE that: develops research and reading skills, acknowledges the importance of knowledge and understanding of French/ Italian- language culture, including literary study. Pupils are able to supplement their learning by using the Dynamic learning software package.
  • Exam board and weblink to exam board
Pearson (Edexcel)

  • Entry requirements
A GCSE pass of grade 7 and above is recommended.
  • Curriculum overview – for each academic year the content for each subject
Year 12 Italian –  Society – Family, Education, Work; Culture – Music, Media, Festivals, Films

Year 13 Italian –  Multicultural Society – Immigration and political parties; Occupation and resistance, Literature

  • Links to relevant websites
  • Future pathways
Many past students have studied French and Italian at University, often studying new languages ab initio. The communication and analytical skills gained in this course are also useful in many non-language careers e.g. Law, Accountancy. 


Jobs related directly to studying MFL include: Interpreter, Translator, Secondary School teacher, Private tutor. Jobs where your degree would be useful include: Journalist, Detective, International aid worker, Marketing executive, Sales executive, Tour manager.

Dept Feedback Policy

Pupils peer and self-assess class Listening and Reading tasks using a green pen. Regular topic-specific vocabulary and grammar tests are marked by the teacher, with feedback given on how to improve, using a red pen. 

Enrichment Activities

The Modern Languages Department policy re-visits and exchanges abroad follows the pattern below and hopes to continue when post-covid regulations allow:

  • In Year 8: a day trip to the Opal coast, France 
  • In Year 9: a four days trip to Paris, France and a four day trip to Sorrento, Italy. 
  • In Year 9: A cross-curricular trip to Rome with RE
  • In Year 13: A four days trip to Lampedusa to study the topic of migration and an Art trip to Paris (dependent on the year)

Revision activities

Revision classes for GCSE and A Level pupils including intervention at lunchtime and after school and revision google classrooms.