“PHRSE @ SHOM – preparing you with the knowledge, attributes and skills for you and others to have life to the full”
Citizenship and PHRSE is a vital part of a young person’s education, at Sacred Heart of Mary Girls’ School our intent is to develop knowledge and skills to prepare our pupils for the wider world now and in later life.
In Years 7-13 our programmes of study focused on Health and Well-being, Living in the wider world (including British Values), Careers and RSE.
PHRSE is implemented in 50 minute weekly lessons usually led by form tutors. In some instances the Head of Year will lead the lesson and on other occasions there will be external input from a wide range of speakers.
It is a dynamic curriculum which is constantly reviewed through staff and pupil voice to ensure the model best fits our pupils. The Curriculum is developed by the Head of Year and lessons are shared with the form tutors who will adapt to best fit their tutees.
RSE is taught in line with the Catholic Education Service and the DfE’s statutory guidance.
The impact of our curriculum is measured by termly review forms which ask pupils to identify what they have learned over the term, to describe what they have enjoyed learning and gives them an opportunity to suggest what they would like to learn more about in the future.
- Can relate to and recognise what they have learned in PHRSE in relation to their own lives.
- Are more aware of their own emotional , mental and physical well-being
- Have positive relationships with their peers and adults in the school community
- Learn about challenges they will/may face as they grow older and how to manage these
- Know where and how to seek support regarding issues taught
- Feel safe and confident enough to ask questions.
- To have access to a wide range range of Careers guidance